How to Draw Permanent Lines on Dry Erase Board

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drawing [permanent] staff lines on a white board (Read 31380 times)

Hi... Sorry if this seems liken an overly obvious quesiton ... but, does anyone have any experience with drawing staff lines on a white board? I realize the obvious solution would be to use Sharpies or other permanent ink markers - but, not having any experience with it - dow that work well? Is that what is typically used, or is there some other product? I mean - how do the white board markers work *over* the lines drawn with Sharpies? do they still erase just like the other  areas of the board?

If I had a small, disposable white board to use as a tester I would - but I don't. TIA for any suggestions!

I feel like it's sort of a silly question - but I'm taking that risk anyway. :-\



"The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving"  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

ok - this is upsetting. Thanks for the info! Darn it [cuz I already bought the board - and they're not cheap!]. :'(



"The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving"  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Airbrush with stencil?  I haven't really tried it.


Made a Liszt. Need new Handel's for Soler panel & Alkan foil. Will Faure Stein on the way to pick up Mendels' sohn. Josquin get Wolfgangs Schu with Clara. Gone Chopin, I'll be Bach

Well, you can always try it out and see for yourself :).  In any case, they are really useful for other things, too, so not to worry.

My experience was that if you use permanent marker and write over it soon, it comes off; but if it sets for a week it doesn't.

There is also something called a paint pen.  I used these to write on hazardous waste drums.  They weren't affected by solvents or weather, I can't imagine them coming off.  They are about $3 US each and come in various colors.



Wait, why don't you use dry erase markers and just redraw the lines everytime?  Thats what I do every lesson.  It only takes about 30 sec.
You can buy boards with lines already on them too for music.


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If you can find thin black insulating tape or some other sort of sticky tape you could maybe stick that on in lines.


"I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."
W.B. Yeats

Timothy ... Paint pen ... that is probably the best option. I should've thought of that.

I will try with perment markers and let them set, like you said ... I was thinking that might perhaps be the trick - if that doesn't work - the paint pen should do it.

Course I'll have to let y'all know how it works out.

thanks! ;D


The tape idea worked for me. I used fine pin stripe tape that you can buy at the auto parts supply stores. It really sticks well and you can get really fine lines.


how thick is it? Does it bug you at all drawing over the little 'ridges?'  [suppose I could always take it off if I didn't like it,huh?]


We have two white boards in the school that I teach at. One of them was bought with a staff already printed on it. However, on the blank one in my room, I just use marker that erases. It's not really that big a deal for me, as I can draw reasonably straight horizontal lines.


Daniel E. Friedman, owner of
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How to Draw Permanent Lines on Dry Erase Board


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